Setup isboxer eve
Setup isboxer eve

setup isboxer eve

setup isboxer eve

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#Setup isboxer eve trial

At my current rate the week trial will be up before my team hits lvl 2. The interact with target that JAMBA controlled in the past the slaves would walk to target loot quest items then back on follow isn't working. I can get everybody to follow and assist attacking, but things get screwed up when I tell slaves to loot. I am running a 5 man team with 1 melee tank, and 4 range. I know that JAMBA has had a major rework and most of the features I liked are no longer there like slaves only loot quest items and the follow strobing isn't as reliable now. I believe there is settings inside ISBOXER that is over riding JAMBA but I can't find any current guides, everything dates back 2+ years ago. I am constantly spamming the ALT-F for them to follow main. Jamba handled the auto follow and strobing really well in the past but I can no longer get it to work. I also liked to use the WASD keys to move around. I would press the 1 button to target mains target then then ` to interact. My playing style would set macros for all slaves to /target focustarget then keybind the interact with target to loot or pickup/turn in quest. I am an experienced JAMBA user and would use it with keycone.

Setup isboxer eve